"I was born in California, USA. When I was about 7..."

Brown University

Tell us where you have lived - and for how long - since you were born; whether you've always lived in the same place, or perhaps in a variety of places.

0 - 100 words

(Brown University)

I was born in California, USA. When I was about 7 months old, I moved to Bangalore, India. I've lived in Bangalore all my life, until two years ago. I started attending a boarding school, in the same state, but far away from my house. I chose to leave everything behind, even my phone, because I didn't want to be pampered. I wanted to fold my own blanket; to wipe my own tears; to carve my own name; to befriend people my way; to create my destiny. My parents weren't happy at first, but I convinced them.

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