"Playing Horn"
University of Michigan
If you could only do one of the activities you have listed in the Activities section of your Common Application, which one would you keep doing? Why?
0 - 150 words
(University of Michigan)
It started from scratch, in 4th grade band
Just me, my horn, and a small music stand
Not knowing where, one day, this horn would take me
Not knowing it would all be so grand.
I practiced for years, my range did expand
I kept working and listening to teacher’s commands
I’d keep on improving, as long as I practiced
Whenever I got some time on my hands.
Failures have been tough to fully withstand.
Each judge’s musical taste is hard to understand.
But under the bright lights of Juilliard and Lincoln Center
My journey could not have been better planned.
Looking back to where I began
I couldn’t have imagined where I would land
Only one activity? I’d keep playing my horn
You have to play it to truly understand.